The attack relies on the fact that if d is small, the prime factors p and q of the RSA modulus n must lie in a relatively narrow range that can be determined from d and n.

The steps of the Boneh-Durfee attack to factor RSA moduli when the private exponent d is small:

  1. Estimate the number of bits k in the prime factors p and q of the RSA modulus n. This is approximately k = ceil(log(n, 2)) / 2.
  2. Use the knowledge that d is small to get an upper bound on p and q. Since p and q are roughly 2^k, we know p < 2^k and q < 2^k.
  3. Also use d to derive a lower bound on p and q. Based on the relationship between p, q, d and the Euler’s totient function φ(n), we get: p ≥ 2^(k-d/2) and q ≥ 2^(k-d/2).
  4. Generate all prime numbers in the range [lower_bound, upper_bound]. This gives us a set of candidate values for p and q.
  5. Test each candidate p by computing q = n/p and checking if p*q = n. Additionally check that p > q as required for RSA.
  6. If a valid factorization is found, we have recovered p and q. These can then be used to compute the private exponent and decrypt the ciphertext.

The attack relies on d being small to significantly reduce the search space for p and q. By generating primes in this smaller range and testing candidates, the factorization can be recovered in feasible time.

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  import logging
import os
import sys
from math import gcd
from math import isqrt
from random import randrange
from sage.all import RR
from sage.all import ZZ
from sage.all import is_prime

def factorize(N, phi):
    s = N + 1 - phi
    d = s ** 2 - 4 * N
    p = int(s - isqrt(d)) // 2
    q = int(s + isqrt(d)) // 2
    return p, q if p * q == N else None

def factorize_multi_prime(N, phi):
    prime_factors = set()
    factors = [N]
    while len(factors) > 0:
        # Element to factorize.
        N = factors[0]

        w = randrange(2, N - 1)
        i = 1
        while phi % (2 ** i) == 0:
            sqrt_1 = pow(w, phi // (2 ** i), N)
            if sqrt_1 > 1 and sqrt_1 != N - 1:
                # We can remove the element to factorize now, because we have a factorization.
                factors = factors[1:]

                p = gcd(N, sqrt_1 + 1)
                q = N // p

                if is_prime(p):
                elif p > 1:

                if is_prime(q):
                elif q > 1:

                # Continue in the outer loop

            i += 1

    return tuple(prime_factors)

def attack(N, e, factor_bit_length, partial_p=None, delta=0.25, m=1, t=None):
    # Use additional information about factors to speed up Boneh-Durfee.
    p_lsb, p_lsb_bit_length = (0, 0) if partial_p is None else partial_p.get_known_lsb()
    q_lsb = (pow(p_lsb, -1, 2 ** p_lsb_bit_length) * N) % (2 ** p_lsb_bit_length)
    A = ((N >> p_lsb_bit_length) + pow(2, -p_lsb_bit_length, e) * (p_lsb * q_lsb - p_lsb - q_lsb + 1))

    x, y = ZZ["x", "y"].gens()
    f = x * (A + y) + pow(2, -p_lsb_bit_length, e)
    X = int(RR(e) ** delta)
    Y = int(2 ** (factor_bit_length - p_lsb_bit_length + 1))
    t = int((1 - 2 * delta) * m) if t is None else t"Trying {m = }, {t = }...")
    for x0, y0 in herrmann_may.modular_bivariate(f, e, m, t, X, Y):
        z = int(f(x0, y0))
        if z % e == 0:
            k = pow(x0, -1, e)
            s = (N + 1 + k) % e
            phi = N - s + 1
            factors = known_phi.factorize(N, phi)
            if factors:
                return factors

    return None

def attack_multi_prime(N, e, factor_bit_length, factors, delta=0.25, m=1, t=None):
    x, y = ZZ["x", "y"].gens()
    A = N + 1
    f = x * (A + y) + 1
    X = int(RR(e) ** delta)
    Y = int(2 ** ((factors - 1) * factor_bit_length + 1))
    t = int((1 - 2 * delta) * m) if t is None else t"Trying {m = }, {t = }...")
    for x0, y0 in herrmann_may.modular_bivariate(f, e, m, t, X, Y):
        z = int(f(x0, y0))
        if z % e == 0:
            k = pow(x0, -1, e)
            s = (N + 1 + k) % e
            phi = N - s + 1
            factors = known_phi.factorize_multi_prime(N, phi)
            if factors:
                return factors

    return None